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The Monograph Series

There are so many themes in my writing that I wanted to pull them out and write about them specifically.  So I created The Monograph Series.  The monograph format facilitates a more detailed exploration of each theme, allowing me to focus in on each one, and I confess I have enjoyed the process of this.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all those people whose wonderful Work/work has become such a vital part of my own, only some of whom I reference in these monographs.  I owe these people a great debt of gratitude.  Their wonderful work has forever become a part of my Process.  That is the highest compliment I can pay them.

I want to make clear that I write and publish these monographs not with a view to being right or wrong but with the intent of shifting and moving thought – generating discussion and debate, and even dissension.  Resonance and discordance are not necessarily measures of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but, rather, of what serves us individually, so, please, take on whatever resonates and feel free to discard anything that feels discordant.

Although I have written each monograph to be read in isolation, as a stand alone article, they are a series, each a part of the whole, like beads in a necklace.  And it is the themes that form the chain that connects them.  As such, please note that writing them to be read alone has necessitated the repetition of some themes in the different monographs, sometimes verbatim.

Click on Index and monograph titles to access.  Index and monographs are in PDF format.

Series One:


1. Reality as an Illusion

We’re told reality is an ‘illusion’, but do you really understand what this means? How is reality an illusion, and in the context of everyday life, does it really matter?

2. The Perpetual Separation of Consciousness

There is a very great wound in human consciousness, and it is being used against us. Those who believe themselves in control of the human experience are exploiting this wound, ensuring it remains intact so that we stay small and ignorant, especially of ourselves.

3. Manipulating Consciousness into Ego

The separation of consciousness is not something that just happened. An unimaginable agenda of utter and abject Darkness has been systematically and deliberately manipulating human consciousness. Their agenda is obvious and simple: complete control. We are slaves, unable to free ourselves because we don’t even know we are slaves.

4. The Language of Symbolism

The conscious awareness is working against the subconscious in many ways but particularly in the language it speaks, which sets it in direct opposition to the subconscious. The two different languages are fracturing human consciousness, with dire consequences for our psychology, our reality, and even our souls. So what is the language of the subconscious?

5. The Transformation of Consciousness

A process has begun for humanity that is powerfully shifting human consciousness, and, as a consequence, many of us are awakening to and acknowledging truths that have long been hidden from us. This process of transformation will raise human consciousness out of the quagmire of fear and ignorance, but there is a lot of water to flow under the bridge first.

6. Breaking the Hold of the Ego

So powerful is the hold of the ego that it has become an essential foundation for the edifice of modern human existence. This has formed, and still does form, a primary aim of the agenda of Darkness because this egoic hold facilitates Separation and entrapment in the illusional reality. If we are to evolve beyond an existence in illusion, the ego must be disempowered.

7. Cosmic Warfare (1) – The Ancient Wisdom

Existing so much in physicality, we’ve been tricked into believing the physical is all there really is . . . despite our belief in an all-powerful external God. But physicality is just a curtain of illusion. If we pushed that curtain aside, we would see a profound and deeply-shocking truth, because there is far more going on ‘behind the scenes’ than we could ever imagine…

8. Cosmic Warfare (2) – Campaigns of Eradication

Behind the curtain of illusion that is physicality there is a profound Truth awaiting rediscovery. Human existence has been moulded and shaped by forces we are currently unable to comprehend. An agenda of Darkness has robbed us of our rightful heritage – a beautiful Ancient Wisdom – and the consequences for us have been dire indeed.

9. Cosmic Warfare (3) – Institutionalisation and the Jesus Iconification

Institutionalisation is a powerfully-effective mechanism for controlling thought and belief, and trapping consciousness. As such, it is an essential component of the agenda of Darkness and has been employed as a primary tool of manipulation and control. Furthermore, in the form of religious institutionalisation, it provides the Darkness with a valuable means of divisiveness and has been used masterfully to set us against ourselves.

10. Cosmic Warfare (4) – The Propaganda Experiment

World War II was very relevant to those who fought in it. As a child, I grew up listening to the stories of the war from my grandparents’ generation. They never forgot and nor did they completely get over it. But just because it was experienced by that generation, don’t think that war is in our past. Unfortunately, that god-awful war is every bit as relevant to us today.

Series Two:

Please note: the second series is written and constructed on the premise that the first series has been read in entirety.


11. Reality –  Truth and Misconception

 In this second series I want to explore the first of the two aspects of consciousness, Process, expanding on the conceptualisation of it and how it Works.  Before delving into Process, however, it is essential to take a deeper look at reality, and, specifically, at the corrupted mindsets we hold of it because these are greatly interfering with Process, which inherently implies, given our definition, that these are also interfering with consciousness.

12. The Observer and the Subatomic Realm

All the assertions I’ve made about reality in previous monographs sound good, but they could be just that, assertions.  Delving into the mechanics of consciousness and reality – the quantum mechanics of it, to be precise – is an interesting exercise in and of itself, because quantum physicists are discovering the same truths . . . from a different direction.

13. The Anatomy of Consciousness

Thought, consciousness and reality form a chain of connectivity with energy that is so profound each of these can almost be used interchangeably.  In terms of the mechanics of how we Create, we need to understand more about energy.  But there is also a link missing in this chain, one we need to know more about if we are to understand who we are as Creators.

14. Process: The Source Code of the Universe

So vital is Process that when it is interfered with, consciousness becomes damaged.  But unlike physical processes, which are easy to see and understand, metaphysical Processes are a lot harder to identify.  Knowing and understanding the principles that govern metaphysical Processes aids our ability to see them, and see them we must, because we need to start Working with them consciously.

15. The Face of Tyranny

We are unable to see beyond the curtain of illusion, so we think the tyranny we fought in WWII was defeated. But surely you understand by now the fallacy of such thinking.  The tyranny behind the two big wars of last century is as strong as ever it was, and it is preparing to strike at us again.  Are we just to stand by and let this happen again?  Or will we, this time, fight back and show this tyranny it has no power over us?

16. Processes of Mastery

Processes of mastery – mastering the illusional reality – are the most powerful of all the metaphysical Processes, and, in this modern era, they are incredibly difficult, and inordinately painful, because there is no infrastructure to support anyone within whom these Processes are Working.  Nor is there any real acknowledged precedent, so individuals are on their own, without the means of understanding what is transpiring within them.  Yet, these Processes are, and will be, increasing in prevalence.  We need to know about them.

17. Keepers of Divine Knowledge

For many of us, as truth seekers, and compulsive ones at that, we know the monuments of the ancient world, and especially those of Ancient Egypt, are far more than just relics from a bygone age.  We know they encode Knowledge that is lost to us.  So what is this ancient Knowledge, and how is it the ancients knew what is now lost to us when we are the ones who are seemingly so much more advanced and evolved than they were?  And, how can this Knowledge have any relevance for us today?

18. The Second Coming

The mythologies of Christianity and Judaism hold an echo of the Knowledge of the ancients because these religions have their roots in Ancient Egypt.  But that echo is much altered, as is our interpretation of the mythologies, courtesy of the distorting filters of indoctrination and institutionalisation.  To reconnect with the Knowledge in its original and purest form we need to go back to the source – the mythologies of Ancient Egypt.  When we know how to decode them, those mythologies have much to tell us.

19. The Resurrection of Consciousness

How can we stop repeating the mistakes of the past if we don’t know what those mistakes were?  We don’t understand the physicality of those mistakes, let alone the metaphysical consequences.  Knowledge is our protection, which is exactly how and why, in the state of chronic ignorance, we are exposed and vulnerable.  So we’re hurtling head-long into our own destruction, not for the first time.  Are we doomed or are we destined for greater things?

19a. An Addendum- The Rudiments of Set’s Rule

Because the forces of Darkness that harness the principle of Set operate so overtly on the physical plane, it’s easy to forget that Set is a metaphysical principle of descent and destruction.  As such, Set’s Rule is actually and ultimately implemented energetically.  This can be hard to conceptualise and understand, so it’s worth looking at some specific examples.

20. Unconscious Creation

The Bible does speak Truth when it says we are made in the image of God . . . that’s God as the Universal, Divine Mind.  We are Creators, so Creating is not something we need to learn how to do.  We do it with our eyes closed . . . unfortunately.  What we do need to learn to do is master Creation consciously because whilst ever we don’t, we are not masters of our domain.

Series Three


21. Conscious Creation (1) – Attachment to Reality

In this third series I want to explore the other of the two aspects of consciousness, Thought, with a focus on changing, transforming and transcending thought, and freeing all thoughts from our addiction to the illusional reality.  Once freed of Separated physicality and all its binding, restricting rules, norms, and dictates, there’s no limit on what we can Create.  First, however, we have to go through the rather arduous task of freeing ourselves.

22. Thought (1)– The Secrets of the Cosmos

Thought, the other of the two words we can use to define consciousness.  Typically, we are only aware of our shallower thoughts, but, also typically, we still believe we know about thought.  Thought is so multifaceted and complex and deep that even the most intelligent philosophical thinkers have barely begun to scratch the surface.

23. Thought (2)– A Leap of Faith

A dire consequence of the Perpetual Separation of consciousness is its crippling effect on our ability to expand and evolve thought in all its myriad forms and manifestations.  To even begin to experience our true capabilities we have to, first of all, remove the limits on thought.  The subconscious and the imagination are supremely powerful tools that we are severely under-utilising.  So perhaps the most debilitating limit we’re placing on thought is our lack of recognition of the vital role of these two.

24. Thought (3)– Sense of Self

Taking our cue from a reality dictated by malevolent forces and agendas will always result in the most limiting thoughts of them all – those we hold about ourselves personally.  The wounds of inadequacy and insecurity we all carry deep within make us very vulnerable to the hold of the illusional reality because we use it to cover and mask those same wounds.  So who are we really underneath all the clothes we wear?

25. Our Fall From Grace

Falling out of union and communion with God – our rightful heritage – is a pretty big deal.  God did not banish us from this, our rightful state of being.  We banished ourselves.  We chose to take ourselves out of that paradisaical union and have been suffering for it ever since.  If we know Knowledge is our salvation then perhaps it’s time to sweep aside the trite cliches we’ve been spoon fed.  So if we didn’t eat fruit from a forbidden tree of Knowledge, then what did we do to cause ourselves to fall out of paradisaical union?

26. Conscious Creation (2) – The Fatal Break in the Circuit of Creation

When we chose to fall from grace, we tore the very fabric of reality.  So, even now, reality bears the brunt of the Perpetual Separation of consciousness, and, as such, forms the barrier of Separation between the dimensions of human existence.  Here, in the lower dimension, we are suffering from a fatal break in the circuit of Creation, and this fatal break is utterly preventing us reclaiming our power and making our Way back home.

27. Conscious Creation (3) – The Marriage of Heaven and Earth

When we start to heal the very great wounds of the Perpetual Separation and misalignment of consciousness, something truly remarkable happens.  We don’t just set free the extraordinariness of us, we open up our sight and so begin to exist in a new reality.  We begin to reclaim the power of Creation.

28. Conscious Creation (4) – The Structural Framework of Creation

As the Creative principle is restored within us and we become Conscious Creators, we automatically consciously Work with a structural framework, within which Creation does and must operate.  The Knowledge of this framework deepens our understanding of Creation itself and facilitates the ‘conscious’ aspect of Conscious Creation, so an in-depth exploration of it is beneficial, even necessary.

29. The Thought of the Human Experience

The previous monographs should, by now, have altered our thought patterns and opened and expanded our minds enough to handle a far deeper exploration of this human experience – what it is, what forms it, why it exists, and why it’s now time to fundamentally change it.  We need to look upon ourselves the way the rest of the Universe looks upon us.

30. Highest Potentiality

When we truly master the illusional reality, the tear in the fabric of it is mended in such a way that not even a scar remains as evidence of what once was.  Reality takes its rightful place as one tool among many Process is able to Work with.  But this is not and cannot be the end of our Work with reality because physical reality is the canvass we’re Working with.  This renders reality unique as a tool of Process, and, as Creators, we are able to do the most amazing things with it . . . .

Series Four

Please note: the fourth series of monographs in its entirety will make no sense without at least a nascent understanding of the first three series, and, as such, if you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend reading the first three series before even attempting to read this fourth series.


31. Working With Reality Anew

In this fourth series, I will explain fourth-dimensional existence in depth to facilitate an understanding of what it is, because humanity will soon begin the Process of leaving behind the Separated third dimension for good.  Fourth-dimensional existence is vastly different from what we’ve known, so we need to know what it means for us in our day to day lives.

32. The Darkness Behind the Curtain

If transcendent Knowledge is one of Love’s beautiful aspects, then its polar opposite – ignorance – is one of the uglier aspects of the Darkness.  In fact, the Darkness needs ignorance to survive and thrive.  In our ignorant state, we are wholly and soul-ly at its mercy.  But this Truth works in our favour.  Knowledge is our greatest protection against the Darkness, and so it is, therefore, also our greatest weapon.

33. The Restoration of Creation

The restoration of Creation is the healing and restoration of Consciousness, and vice versa, and both are the marriage of heaven and earth.  Set, and the Darkness harnessing his power, fight tooth and nail to prevent this healing and preserve their power.  This battle between the Light and the Darkness, waged on the battleground of our psyche, has begun.  It is a battle more epic than Homer’s famous battle between gods and men at Troy.

34. The Fourth Dimension

The fabric of fourth dimensional existence is vastly different from the Separated lower dimensionality we’re leaving behind.  Reality is not the only aspect of existence we will work with anew.  Knowing about some of the other facets of our changed existence will facilitate our resonance with it and minimise discordances.

35. The Horus Plane and the Creative Flow

There are two planes of existence from which we can fight the Darkness.  There are also two planes of existence from which we can Create.  In both scenarios, the power of the lower plane does not and cannot compare to the power of the higher.  So how do we access the higher?  And, most importantly, how do we set free its power?

36. Changing Our Frame of Reference

What does restored Creation look like, and how does it really differ from what we’re used to?

37. The Blueprint of Creation

The portal to the fourth dimension can only be accessed in one place – within the heart.  Which is quite handy because the source of Creation can also only be accessed and set free within the heart.  Obviously, then, the heart does far more for us than just pump blood through the body.

38. And in Arcadia We Go

Contrary to our belief that God has abandoned us, Creation has been busy for the entirety of our existence.  ‘Tis time for us to know what Creation has been up to.  And why.

39. The Holy Grail of Creation

This is the end of the quest for the Holy Grail.